Align your teams with the Ministry Scoreboard

Scoreboard Information

Thank you for purchasing the Ministry Scoreboard document and training. This is a method that allows you to quickly assess your progress and make adjustments along the way, and get alignment and unity across your teams.
In the training, I cover:
• The Purpose of a Ministry Scoreboard
• 3 Key Areas for Measuring Your Church’s Scoreboard, and
• How to Create a Scoreboard for your Church

Access the Scoreboard Google Sheet


  1. Follow this link
  2. Select “File > Make a Copy” to copy the Ministry Scoreboard Sheet to your personal Google drive.

Zoom Training Replay

Jay presenting the Social Ministry Engine

This training explains in great detail the reason and method of leading your team through alignment, and walks through using the Ministry Scoreboard document.

Ready to move your ministry forward? Let's talk!