Ministry Insights for Faith & LeadershipWhile I love consulting and having meaningful conversations, time doesn’t always allow for every question to be answered in person. That’s why I created this space—to share insights and resources I’ve already provided to others, as well as lessons I’ve learned along the way. Like Boaz instructing his servants to leave ‘handfuls on purpose,’ my hope is that these articles will inspire, equip, and encourage ministers as they move their ministries forward.

Follow Me: The Lifelong Journey of Being, Becoming, and Doing with Jesus
Discipleship is a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Discipleship is one of the most powerful tools for gathering and sending people into the everyday work of God. But it’s easy to get caught up in assumptions about discipleship that strip it of its God-intended...

One Overlooked Action to Break Through Stagnant Church Growth
Church growth can feel like a mystery—one moment, you’re riding high with momentum, and the next, you’re scratching your head wondering why attendance is inconsistent and energy is low. If you’ve poured your heart into ministry only to see little return, it’s easy to...

A 2025 Pastor’s Reading List
As we step into a new year, my prayer is that 2025 will be a year of growth, joy, and fresh inspiration for you. To help spark that growth, I’m sharing my 2025 reading list – 25 for ’25. Over the past few years, I’ve adjusted my reading approach to focus more on...

The 3-2-1 Method: Sleep Better, Lead Better
Ministry is demanding. Understatement of the year, right? Exhausting days, late-night meetings, and the mental weight of serving others can leave you lying awake at night. You’re desperate for rest, but you wake up feeling just as tired. I’ve been there, and I’ve...

From Hearing to Multiplying: The Hidden Truth about Effective Discipleship
Have you ever wondered why so many believers seem stuck in their faith? They hear sermons, attend services, and know scripture, yet their lives remain unchanged. The truth is, discipleship isn’t just about knowing—it’s about being. Jesus didn’t call us to sit in...

Transform Your Volunteer Culture: 5 Steps to Equip Your Ministry Teams
Each time someone walks through the doors of your church or ministry, they’re forming impressions—long before the first note of worship or the opening prayer. Your volunteer teams are the face of your mission, the bridge between the church’s heart and the people...

5 Encouraging Texts Pastors Should Send Today
Have you ever stopped to think about how much power is in a simple text message? In a world that’s so connected, a few heartfelt words can brighten someone’s day, remind them of their worth, or even renew their strength. Today, I want to challenge you to take just a...

A Practical Solution for Ministers Facing Healthcare Challenges
As pastors and ministers, many of us are accustomed to navigating challenges through faith, and resilience. However, one area that often weighs heavily on our minds is healthcare — specifically, how to provide affordable, reliable coverage for ourselves and our...

14 Ways ChatGPT Can Transform Ministry: Practical AI Tools for Church Leaders
In today’s fast-paced world, ministry leaders and church volunteers are constantly balancing multiple tasks—from sermon preparation and event planning to pastoral care and community engagement. While traditional methods have served the church well, new tools like...

Secrets to Successful Panel Discussions: A Guest Speaker’s Toolkit
At times, you may be asked to speak on a panel at a conference and wish you had some guidance. Having participated in, and led, numerous panel discussions over the years, I've learned some tips that any guest speaker can follow to improve their confidence and be sure...

10 Lies Ministry Leaders Believe
As a leader, friend, and mentor, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact that church leaders can have on the lives of their congregation. But I've also seen that even the strongest leaders can struggle with feelings of doubt, inadequacy, and fear. As someone who...

Integrating AI in Ministry Without Losing Your Soul
You've probably heard a variation of the saying, "the shortcut is actually the longest path." It's a cautionary tale that reminds us quick fixes are (often) too good to be true. This is especially true in ministry, I would suppose. But in some ways, AI could be an...

The Restaurant Experience That Changed My View on Church Hospitality
Recently I was hungry after getting my haircut, and stepped into a new restaurant in town. The inside was pretty boldly decorated, with bright orange, yellow, white and black. It was eye-catching, to say the least, so my expectations were pretty positive. I was waited...

Dear Struggling Pastor: An Open Letter to Leaders in a Storm
Dear Pastor friend, Storms will savagely barrage against your ship sometimes. Famines will ravage through the fields of your ministry sometimes. God will feel distant sometimes. The deafening silence when you need a Word is as loud in the raging storm as it is in the...

Mastering the Berluti Knot – The Only Dress Shoe Knot A Minister Needs to Know
In the life of a minister, details matter. Whether it's crafting a sermon or navigating the intricacies of pastoral care, every element plays a part in the broader mission. However, there's one small, often overlooked detail that can become a significant distraction:...

How To Do More Ministry With Less Effort
I know, I know. Ministry is hard work, and there are no shortcuts, right? Hear me out, though. I'm not going to try and convince you to cheat in your Kingdom Work, but if I can convince you to stop doing things that don't significantly move your needle, I will try....

Legacy Leadership: 10 Tips for Pastoral Succession
In the lifecycle of every thriving church (and even the stagnant or declining ones), a moment comes that is as inevitable as it is challenging – the transition of leadership. For pastors in their 50s and 60s, this reality looms closer, yet is often shrouded in...

Conquering the Fear of Failure in Ministry
Opportunities for ministry leaders regularly present themselves... New initiatives, bold ideas. But often, lurking in the shadows of these opportunities is a paralyzing fear - the fear of starting something and not being able to finish it. "What if I fail?" or "If...

A 2024 Pastor’s Reading List
I hope this is your best year yet. To help with that, I’m providing my 2024 reading list – 24 for ’24. My reading style has changed dramatically over the last couple of years, so my number of books read has dropped in order to more intentionally internalize what I'm...

Leading Change: Unveiling the Power of Innovation Adoption
Every leader's desire is to not just bring vision to their church, but to see that vision become reality. If you're like most leaders, though, you've found implementing new ideas to be very difficult - and this is why many give up in the process, and most churches...
Featured Publications
- Let Them Live Apostolic Living
- My Little Cup Apostolic Living
- How Judging Makes You A Better Christian Apostolic Living
- The Problem With Society’s Love Lie Apostolic Living
- The Affirmation Dilemma Apostolic Living
Back to Life Book
4 Keys to Resurrected Living
- Part 1 - Resurrecting Faith
- Part 2 - Resurrecting Spirituality
- Part 3 - Resurrecting Generosity
- Part 4 - Resurrecting Relationships