10 Lies Ministry Leaders Believe


As a leader, friend, and mentor, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact that church leaders can have on the lives of their congregation. But I’ve also seen that even the strongest leaders can struggle with feelings of doubt, inadequacy, and fear.

As someone who cares deeply about the well-being of church leaders, I want to address some of the lies they may tell themselves, especially during emotionally low times. They’re the lies that can eat away at their confidence, cloud their judgment, and ultimately hinder their ability to serve their congregation with the love and dedication they deserve.

So, let’s get real…

You may be a church leader who’s found yourself in a low emotional state, questioning your purpose, your abilities, and your worth. Maybe you’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed, struggling to keep up with the demands of your ministry. Perhaps you’re comparing yourself to other leaders and feeling like you don’t measure up.

Whatever the case may be, I want you to know you’re not alone, and that these negative thoughts don’t define you.

So, let’s expose some of the lies that church leaders tell themselves and offer hope for those who may be struggling. It’s time to shed light on the darkness and reclaim your calling with confidence and purpose!

1. “I’m not good enough”

Feeling inadequate or unworthy is a common lie that church leaders can believe during emotionally low times. They may believe that they are not good enough to lead their congregation or that they are not meeting the expectations of their members.

Truth: “I am enough, because God is enough.”

2. “God is distant”

During emotionally low times, church leaders may believe that God is distant and not present in their lives. They may feel like God has abandoned them and is not listening to their prayers.

Truth: “God is with me, even in the darkness.”

3. “My ministry is not making a difference”

Church leaders may believe that their ministry is not making a difference, that they are not reaching enough people, or that their efforts are not appreciated.

Truth: “Every act of love, no matter how small, makes a difference.”

4. “I’m alone in this”

Church leaders may feel isolated and alone during emotionally low times. They may believe that no one understands their struggles or that they have to deal with everything on their own.

Truth “I am surrounded by a community of support and love.”

5. “God doesn’t care about me”

Church leaders may believe that God does not care about them or their struggles. They may feel like they are not important to God or that He is punishing them for something.

Truth: “God cares deeply for me, and nothing can separate me from His love.”

6. “I’m a failure”

Church leaders may believe that they are failing in their ministry or in their personal life. They may feel like they are not living up to their own or other people’s expectations.

Truth: “My value is not defined by my success or failure.”

7. “I’m not spiritual enough”

Church leaders may feel like they are not spiritual enough or that they are not meeting the standard of what a good Christian should be.

Truth: “I am growing in my spiritual journey, and that’s okay.”

8. “God is punishing me”

Church leaders may believe that God is punishing them for their mistakes or sins. They may feel like they are experiencing trials and difficulties as a result of something they did wrong.

Truth: “God’s grace and mercy are always available to me.”

9. “I’m not called to this”

During emotionally low times, church leaders may question whether they are truly called to ministry. They may feel like they made a mistake in pursuing this career or that they are not cut out for it.

Truth: “I am called and chosen for this ministry, and equipped with everything I need because He IS everything I need.”

10. “No one appreciates me”

Church leaders may feel unappreciated and undervalued during emotionally low times. They may believe that their hard work and dedication are not recognized or appreciated by their members or leadership.

Truth: “My work is valued and appreciated, even if I don’t always see it.”

It’s important for church leaders to recognize these lies for what they are and seek support and encouragement from trusted friends, family, or colleagues. It’s also important for leaders to seek God’s truth and cling to His promises during difficult times.

One thing I’d like to note here… There is an answer to every one of these feelings that goes beyond just a good pep talk or positive affirmation, and that is to abide more deeply in Jesus. We have a tendency to find the answer in doing more, working harder, and becoming more valuable, but it just doesn’t work that way.

Jesus tells us in John 15:5 that the branches who abide in Him bear much fruit, but that apart from Him we can do nothing. We can’t bear fruit in order to earn entrance with Him; Instead, we accept His invitation to dwell deeply in Him first, and He causes fruit to yield out of that relationship. It all starts with abiding more deeply.

This is what Jesus did for me several years back… he released me from the lies that kept me from experiencing true life-transformation in Him, and showed me how to live an abundant, rewarding, and productive life in Him. And it’s changed everything for me.

If you’d like to talk through how that looks in your ministry, please feel free to reach out to me!