30-Plus Side Income Ideas for Pastors

Personal Development

In today’s church leadership reality, most pastors are either the sole employee of the church or are working bi-vocationally to make ends meet. Pastoring is a full-time job, no matter how you look at it, and the reality for most is they need either a second job or a good side hustle in order to make ends meet.

For some, it’s an intentional choice – perhaps even an evangelism strategy.  It’s a necessary reality for others, and supplemental income is a requirement.

No matter what the reason, here are 33 side hustles that could bring in some extra money to help you reach your goals. Which are your favorite?

  1. Speak at Other Churches: Package and promote your top three messages for wider reach.
  2. Consulting: Provide consultancy on church growth, leadership development, or community outreach. Whatever you’re great at. Check out System and Soul, Giant, The Table Group, EOS, Intentional Churches, and Church Fuel.
  3. Digital Marketing Services: Help local businesses or churches improve their digital marketing strategies.
  4. Funeral Services: Set up a Clergy Contract with a local funeral home to provide funeral services as needed. Many families are not connected to a local church, and this could also be a great ministry connection during a rough time.
  5. Handmade Crafts: Create and sell handmade crafts with spiritual themes. Etsy is a great place to start.
  6. E-commerce: Start an online store selling Christian merchandise or books.
  7. Podcasting: Start a podcast discussing faith, spirituality, or practical advice for daily living and sell advertising on it. Host, edit, or produce a podcast for others.
  8. Graphic Design: Offer design services for churches or Christian organizations in need of promotional materials.
  9. Online Tutoring: Offer tutoring services in general academics, theology, and biblical studies.
  10. Pick-up and Resell furniture: Believe it or not, companies who sell mail-order mattresses don’t want to carry the cost of shipping them back. Contract with them to pick up returns, and sell them for a profit through Sharetown.
  11. Language Translation: Offer translation services for churches or organizations working with diverse communities.
  12. Speak at Local Businesses or Events: Craft non-sermon talks and actively promote them for clubs, businesses, or special events.
  13. Financial Planning: If knowledgeable in finance, provide financial planning services to individuals or families.
  14. Start an SEO Business: Add formal training and certifications to your basic understanding of SEO, using resources like Hubspot’s SEO course or this free SEO course from Moz.
  15. Life Coaching: Provide spiritual or life coaching services for individuals seeking guidance.
  16. Start a Website or Design Business: Utilize website management skills for small businesses, providing creative or technical services on a retainer basis.
  17. Event Planning: Use organizational skills to plan and coordinate events, weddings, or conferences.
  18. Music Lessons: If musically inclined, offer lessons in singing, playing instruments, or leading worship.
  19. Real Estate: Invest in real estate or work part-time as a real estate agent.
  20. Write for Other Christian Businesses or Publications: Contribute to websites, journals, or businesses, considering platforms like Injoy or Church Fuel.
  21. Online Courses: Develop and sell online courses on topics related to faith, personal development, or leadership. You can teach what you know on platforms like SkillShare, Teachable, Udemy, or Gura.
  22. Self-Publish a Book on Amazon: Compile sermons, write a devotional book, or explore a topic of interest for a broader audience.
  23. Host a Paid Webinar or Seminar: Offer one-time seminars or training sessions on topics where you possess expertise.
  24. Programming or IT consulting: Are you a technology professional? You can work your own hours by simply contracting your work to tech companies and businesses.
  25. Driving School Bus: While not as flexible as some opportunities, bus driving is usually part-time, provides a good income, and keeps you connected to your community.
  26. Trading and Investing: Trading in the financial markets can be a compelling side hustle. This can be anything — crypto, stocks, options, or any other type of asset.
  27. Rental Income: Explore passive income through real estate; start with resources like the Bigger Pockets website and podcast.
  28. Photography: Offer photography services for events, portraits, or church gatherings.
  29. Start a T-Shirt Business: Tap into the creator economy by partnering with designers and using platforms like Teespring or Printify to start a T-shirt business with no inventory.
  30. Deliver Food: Use delivery services like Door Dash, Uber Eats, or Grub Hub to supplement income during spare time.
  31. Host, Edit, or Produce a Podcast: Leverage speaking skills to host a podcast or offer editing and production services for those looking to expand their platforms.
  32. Offer Your Services on Task Sites: Join platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and 99 Designs to connect with individuals seeking freelancers for one-time or ongoing projects.
  33. Start a Yard Sign Business: Capitalize on events by renting out celebratory yard signs, creating a side gig with minimal inventory and delivery assistance.
  34. Virtual Assistant: Provide administrative support for busy professionals or businesses.
  35. Rent Your RV: Generate revenue by renting out your RV through platforms like Outdoorsy or RVShare when not in use.
  36. Rent Your Car: Utilize Turo, an Airbnb-like service for vehicles, to rent out your car during unused periods.
  37. Rent Your Home: List a room or your entire home on Airbnb or VRBO to turn expenses into revenue.
  38. Buy an Existing Website or App Business: Explore Flippa to purchase small apps or websites with existing revenue, offering options for new ideas or established platforms.

While you’re navigating the intricate intersection of ministry and entrepreneurship, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your experiences, wisdom, or perhaps a lesson learned on this path in the comments!

If you want to learn more about this topic, including advice on how to balance your side gig with being a full-time pastor or some general best practices about how to get started, reach out to me!